24th Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Luncheon

Sunday September 28th, 2025

Event Overview

Pink Ribbon Tea
Avalon Manor Banquet Facility

Please join us for the 24th Annual Pink Ribbon Society Breast Cancer Awareness Luncheon, Sunday September 28th, 2025 at Avalon Manor Banquet Center, Merrillville, IN Complete with vendors, raffles, The Dorothy Gillespie Humanitarian Award ceremony, celebrity servers and an announcement of the honorees that will be featured in the 2026 Breast Cancer Survivors’ Calendar, the event pays tribute to Northwest Indiana men and women who are survivors of breast cancer.

Doors open at 10:30 am for shopping, raffle viewing, and visiting.

Ticket Cost $ 50 - seating limited to 600 guests.

Location: Avalon Manor in Merrillville

The Gillespie Award


More info coming soon

Nominate a Calendar Girl

Each year, we invite the community to nominate an individual they thing would make a good role model for others more currently diagnosed with breast cancer. 12 honorees are chosen to be represented on our annual Breast Cancer Survivors Calendar for the upcoming year. Nominees must be at least three years post op and out of treatment.

Sponsorships Available

There are also various sponsorships available. All proceeds from the luncheon, basket raffle and 50/50 raffle will support our programs directed to the men and women battling breast cancer that reside in Lake, Porter, Newton and Jasper county.

Still want to pay with check?

If you'd still like to pay with check you can make it out to Pink Ribbon Society and mail it to 303 E. 89th Avenue, Merillville, IN 46410.

Reservation Form