Restoring Dignity and Confidence
Facing the possibility of hair loss can be devastating for women undergoing breast cancer treatment. Losing one's hair can impact a woman's sense of self and confidence during recovery.
When a patient loses their hair (her crown) during treatment, she may consider purchasing a wig to help maintain a sense of dignity and confidence throughout her treatment. All she has to do is secure a prescription from the doctor for the wig, purchase the wig at any shop of her choice, and send us a copy of the prescription and paid receipt. Once we receive these documents, we will reimburse up to $200.00 for the purchase. Most insurance companies do not reimburse for a hair piece. They consider it a “cosmetic need” and not covered under most policies. However, we appreciate the importance of such an item. We have helped over 60 women secure a wig this year alone and over 1,000 to date. You can call if you need more information.
Program Overview
Inception: The Pink Ribbon Wig Reimbursement Program was established in 2007.
Mission: To provide financial assistance for wig expenses to breast cancer patients undergoing treatment.
Impact and Outreach
Financial Support: Since 2007, the Pink Ribbon Society has reimbursed over $150,000 for approximately 1,000 wigs.
Supporting Patients: Helping individuals cope with the emotional and psychological effects of hair loss during treatment.
Areas We Serve
We service clients residing in Lake, Porter, Newton, and Jasper Counties in Indiana.
Challenges with Insurance Coverage
Limited Coverage: Insurance carriers, including Medicare and Medicaid, often do not cover the cost of wigs.
Cosmetic Classification: Wigs are commonly considered a cosmetic need rather than a medical necessity by insurance providers.
Program Details
Reimbursement Amount: The Pink Ribbon Society offers reimbursement up to $150.00 per patient/diagnosis.
Application Process: Patients can apply for reimbursement to help offset the cost of purchasing a wig during treatment.
Dignity and Confidence
Maintaining Dignity: Providing patients with the opportunity to regain a sense of normalcy and confidence during a challenging time.
Empowering Patients: Supporting individuals in feeling more comfortable and confident in their appearance throughout treatment.
Community Support
Patient Experiences: Sharing stories of how the Pink Ribbon Wig Reimbursement Program has made a difference in the lives of breast cancer patients.
Impactful Moments: Highlighting moments of joy and empowerment experienced by individuals receiving wig support.
Program General Inquiry
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